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- 5 ifa=.thena=1:load"mathers.spr",8,1
- 10 poke53248+21,.
- 15 poke55,.:poke56,48:clr
- 20 gosub30:print"[147]":pokev,6:pokevb,6:goto50
- 30 o$=" ":t$=" ":l$=" ":p$=l$+" "
- 35 j$=p$+" ":q$=j$+" ":s$=q$+" "
- 40 v=53280:vb=v+1:k=1024:s=54272:c$="correct"
- 45 i$="incorrect":d$="":return
- 50 j=j+1:x=int(rnd(1)*999)+k:p=x+s:pokex,46:pokep,1:ifj<100then50
- 60 poke1149,81:poke1577,81:poke1692,81:poke55421,8:poke55849,5:poke55964,2
- 70 printd$"[152] [155] [223][169] [146][152][223][155] [146][152][223][155] [146][152][223][155] ";
- 75 print"[146][152][223] [155] [146][152][223][155] [146][152][223][155] [146][152][223]";
- 80 print"[155] [146][152][223]"
- 90 print" [155] [146][223] [146][169] [146] [146] [146] [146] ";
- 95 print" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [152][167]"
- 100 print" [155] [146] [223][169] [146] [146] [152] [155] [146] [152] [155] [146] [146] [146][169] [152][146][167]"
- 110 print" [155] [146] [152][169][155] [146] [146] [146] [152] [155] [146] ";
- 115 print"[152] [155] [146] [146] [146] [146] [223][223][146] [152][146][167]"
- 120 print" [155] [146] [152][223] [155] [146] [146] [146] [152] [155] [146] [152] ";
- 125 print"[155] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [152][146][167]"
- 130 print"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][155]"
- 140 print"[155]"s$"[157]o f t h e"
- 150 print" [146] [146] [223] [146] [146] [223][223][169][146][169] [192][192][146] [192] [146] [192][192][146] [192][192][146]"
- 160 print" [146] [146][223] [146] [146] [223][169] [192][192][146] [146] [188][146] [192][192] [146] [192][192][146]":poke198,.
- 170 x=int(rnd(1)*990)+k:z=peek(x):ifz<>32orx>1263andx<1464then170
- 175 geta$:ifa$<>""then200
- 180 j=x+s:pokex,46:pokej,1:forp=1to50:next
- 185 pokej,6:pokex,32:forp=1to100:next
- 190 ifm<30thenm=m+1:goto170
- 200 pokev,0:pokevb,0:print"[147] t r a i n i n g m i s s i o n xxvii"
- 210 print"you are about to undergo a trial run in"
- 220 print"the space pilot training program. your"
- 230 print"mission is to make a successful landing"
- 240 print"on a nearby asteroid.to do this you must"
- 250 print"accurately calculate the correct pounds"
- 260 print"of fuel needed to fire the main rockets."
- 270 print"if your calculations are inaccurate, the"
- 280 print"rockets will not fire, fuel will be lost"
- 290 print"and gravity will pull on the ship (spend"
- 300 print"all your fuel and your ship will crash"
- 310 print"on the launching platform)....good luck!"
- 320 printj$"press any key to begin";
- 330 getf$:iff$=""then330
- 340 print"[147]":gosub30:j=24:jj=226:m=247
- 345 dimhf(18),hh(18),lf(18),ll(18),dr(18)
- 350 fori=1to18:readhf(i),hh(i),lf(i),ll(i),dr(i):next
- 355 fori=1to4:readqc(i):next
- 360 fori=1to7:readrd(i),rp(i),rr(i),rn(i):next:pl=-1:kf=183
- 370 print"[147]"," pick a level!",," level"l$;
- 375 print" most difficult problem"
- 380 print"1) beginner i"q$" 5*5",,"2) beginner ii"q$" 9*5"
- 390 print"3) beginner iii"q$"9*9",,"4) junior i"s$"40*9"
- 400 print"5) junior ii"s$"[157]100*9","6) advanced"s$"100*99"
- 410 print"7) senior"s$" 1000*999",
- 415 print"8) to change and set the second number"
- 416 print"9) exit"
- 430 print" multiply numbers for highest dividend";:poke198,0
- 440 getb$:a=val(b$):ifa<1ora>9then440
- 445 ifa=9then60000
- 450 h=7:ifa=8then1200
- 460 print"[147]"d$j$"select a category!":print,"1) addition"
- 470 print,"2) subtraction":print,"3) multiplication"
- 475 print,"4) division"
- 480 print,"5) combination 1 & 2":print,"6) combination 3 & 4":poke198,0
- 490 geta$:b=val(a$):ifb<1orb>6then490
- 500 gosub1750:x=(rnd(1)*ti):ifa>6orpl>99thenh=6
- 510 print"[147]":pokev,7:g=53265:pokeg,peek(g)and239:ifb=5orb=6thenco=b-3
- 520 x=int(rnd(1)*986)+1037:ifx>1183andx<1224then520
- 530 ifx>1263andx<1304then520
- 540 p=x+s:z=z+1:pokex,46:pokep,1:ifz<61then520
- 550 print:printd$d$d$d$d$" e"j$"fuel"j$"[157]f":ifb=4thenrt=1
- 560 print" [146] . [152][164][175][185][185][185][175][164]";
- 570 vc=13*4096:pokevc+21,49:pokevc+29,112:poke2040,192:poke2041,193
- 580 poke2042,194:poke2043,195:poke2044,196:poke2045,197:poke2046,198
- 590 pokevc+16,95:pokevc+0,j:pokevc+1,jj:pokevc+2,j:pokevc+3,m:pokevc+4,j
- 600 pokevc+5,m:pokevc+6,j:pokevc+7,m:pokevc+8,12:pokevc+9,50:pokevc+10,kf
- 610 pokevc+11,244:pokevc+12,12:pokevc+13,227:pokevc+39,11:pokevc+40,7
- 620 pokevc+41,2:pokevc+42,2:pokevc+43,3:pokevc+44,0:pokevc+45,11:pokev,5
- 630 pokev,0:pokevb,0
- 640 gosub1690:pokeg,peek(g)or16
- 650 y=-1:y$="":x=0:xx=0:t=t+1:ifcothengosub1080
- 660 gosub960:gosub1690:print"[151]enter answer-":print"press return":print
- 670 ifpl>-1thenxx=pl
- 680 ifrt>0orco=4then1090
- 690 gosub790:f=x:gosub710:gosub720:printt$" "x:f=xx:gosub710:gosub720
- 700 gosub750:gosub710:printspc(h)"[192][192][192][192]":gosub710
- 705 f=n:gosub720:gosub970:goto810
- 710 print:print"[145]";:return
- 720 printt$;:iff<10thenprinto$;
- 730 nx=99:fori=1to4:iff>nxthenprint"[157]";:nx=nx*10+9
- 740 next:return
- 750 printt$;:ifb=1thenprint"+"xx:n=x+xx
- 760 ifb=2thenprint"-"xx:n=x-xx
- 770 ifb=3thenprint"x"xx:n=x*xx
- 780 return
- 790 ifxx>xthenzx=x:x=xx:xx=zx
- 800 return
- 810 kf=kf-4:ifkf<9thenkf=9
- 820 pokevc+10,kf:ify<>nthenwr=wr+1:goto920
- 830 print""c$"!":ri=ri+1:jj=jj-7:m=jj+21:pokes+3,1:pokes+6,249
- 840 pokes+1,6:pokes+4,129:pokevc+21,57
- 850 tp=tp+1:forp=1to55:next:pokevc+21,61:iftp=11then880
- 860 forp=1to55:next:pokevc+21,59:iftp=13then890
- 870 goto850
- 880 pokevc+1,jj:pokevc+3,m:pokevc+5,m:pokevc+7,m:goto850
- 890 pokes+4,0:pokevc+21,49
- 895 ifjj<41thengosub1690:gosub1040:print"[158]":goto1650
- 900 ifkf=9then1580
- 910 tp=0:forp=1to500:next:goto650
- 920 print"sorry....":print"the total is":print"[156]"spc(8)n
- 925 ifkf=9then1580
- 930 if(ri>.)thenjj=jj+10:m=jj+21:ifjj>225thenjj=226:goto1620
- 940 pokevc+1,jj:pokevc+3,m:pokevc+5,m:pokevc+7,m:gosub1660
- 945 forp=1to10:pokes,lf
- 950 pokes+1,hf:pokes+4,33:lf=lf-1:hf=hf-1:next
- 955 pokes+4,0:forp=1toz:next:goto910
- 960 x=int(rnd(1)*rd(a))+rp(a):xx=int(rnd(1)*rr(a))+rn(a):return
- 970 y$="":poke198,0:ifa=8thenprint"? ";:goto990
- 980 printt$"? [144]";
- 990 wait198,15:getz$:z=asc(z$):ifz>47andz<59theny$=y$+z$:print""z$;
- 1000 zl=len(y$):ifzl>6thenz=20:goto1020
- 1010 ifz=13andzltheny=val(y$):printo$:return
- 1020 ifz=20andzltheny$=left$(y$,zl-1):print"[144][157] [146][157]";
- 1030 goto990
- 1040 ift<2then1070
- 1050 printt$"[152]out of":print""t"[152]problems":printt$"you had"
- 1060 print""ri"[152]"c$" and":print""wr"[152]"i$:printt$"answers!":return
- 1070 printd$"[152]you never got",,,"off the ground!",,,"what happened??"
- 1075 return
- 1080 i=co:co=qc(i):b=qc(i):return
- 1090 ifxx=0thenxx=int(rnd(1)*5)+1
- 1100 f=xx:print"":gosub1130:iff>9thenprinto$;:iff>99thenprinto$;
- 1110 printt$"[213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]":gosub1130:f=x*xx:printxx"[221]"f:print:print"[157][157][145][145][145][145]"
- 1120 gosub1160:printt$;:gosub970:n=x:print"":goto810
- 1130 print" ";:iff<10thenprinto$;
- 1140 iff>99thenprint"[157]";:iff>999thenprint"[157]";
- 1150 return
- 1160 iff<10thenreturn
- 1170 xy=len(str$(f)):l=len(str$(x)):ifxy=lthenreturn
- 1180 fori=1to3:ifl+(i)<=xythenprinto$;
- 1190 next:return
- 1200 print"[147] enter the number (from 0 to 999) which",t$
- 1205 print"you wish to ";
- 1210 print"appear in the problems",
- 1215 print" a zero in problems of division will"
- 1220 print" produce a random number from 1 to 5",s$"[157][151]press return"
- 1230 print"number";:gosub970:pl=y:ifpl<0orpl>999then1200
- 1240 printl$" you have selected number"pl:forp=1to2000:next:goto370
- 1250 pokevc+21,0:pokeg,peek(g)and239:print"[147]"ri;c$s$" "wr;i$
- 1260 ifa<7andb<3orb=5then1340
- 1270 printd$l$" you have met the requirements"
- 1280 printq$"to qualify you as"
- 1290 ifzs=1thenprint" a kite flyer!! you need more training.":goto1330
- 1300 ift<30thenprint" a topnotch pilot! congratulations!!"
- 1310 ift>29andt<38thenprint" a good pilot with high potential."
- 1320 ift>37thenprintp$"a co-pilot. keep trying!!"
- 1330 print"":goto1510
- 1340 printspc(17)"[185][185][185][185][185][185]":m=3:y=15:x=10:k=-2:l=4:gosub1550
- 1345 m=3:y=10:x=20:k=-1
- 1350 l=2:gosub1550:m=1:y=7:x=26:k=0:l=0:gosub1570
- 1355 ifzsthengosub1550:goto1370
- 1360 printp$" [146][169]"t$"[223] [146][169]"t$"[223] "
- 1370 printp$" [146]"l$"[160] [146]"l$" "
- 1375 ift>29andt<38thengosub1550:goto1400
- 1380 ift>37andzs<>1thenprintp$" [169][146] [223] [169][146] [223] ":goto1400
- 1390 printp$" [169] [223] [169] [223] "
- 1400 gosub1550:ifzs<>1thengosub1550:goto1420
- 1410 printp$"[181] [146] [182]":goto1450
- 1420 gosub1570:ift<38thenprintp$" [146] [146] "
- 1430 ift<30thenprintj$" [146] ":goto1450
- 1440 ift<38thenprintj$" [146] [146] "
- 1450 m=1:y=8:x=24:k=1:l=-2:ift>37andzs<>1thengosub1550
- 1460 ifzsthenm=2:gosub1550
- 1470 ift>37andzs<>1thengosub1550
- 1480 printj$" "spc(6)" ":ifzs<>1theny=11:x=18:gosub1550:goto1500
- 1490 printq$" [181] [182] [146] "
- 1500 m=2:y=13:x=14:k=2:l=-4:gosub1550:printspc(17)"[162][162][162][162][162][162]"
- 1510 pokeg,peek(g)or16:print""q$"play again? (y/n)";
- 1520 geta$:ifa$="y"thenrun340
- 1530 ifa$="n"then60000
- 1540 goto1520
- 1550 forj=1tom:fori=1toy:print" ";:next:fori=1tox:print" ";:next:print
- 1560 y=y+k:x=x+l:next:return
- 1570 printp$"[181] [182]":return
- 1580 x=int((238-jj)/6):ifx<2thenpokevc+1,226:goto1620
- 1590 gosub1660:forp=1tox:pokes,lf:pokes+1,hf:pokes+4,33:ifjj=226thenp=x
- 1600 pokevc+1,jj:jj=jj+6:ifjj>226thenjj=226
- 1610 lf=lf-3:hf=hf-3:next:pokes+4,0
- 1620 pokevc+21,240:gosub1670:forp=1to9:pokes,15:pokes+1,hf:hf=hf-1:next
- 1630 pokes+24,0:forp=1to500:next:x=8:z=18:gosub1750:gosub1710:forp=1to500
- 1640 next:gosub1690:gosub1040:forp=1to2600:next:print"":zs=1:goto1250
- 1650 x=1:z=7:gosub1750:gosub1710:forp=1to2600:next:goto1250
- 1660 z=1200:lf=151:hf=170:pokes+5,30:pokes+6,7:return
- 1670 hf=9:forl=0to24:pokes+l,0:next:pokes+14,5:pokes+18,14:pokes+3,211
- 1680 pokes+24,136:pokes+6,221:pokes+4,129:return
- 1690 poke53280,2:print"";:prints$" [221]":fori=1to6:prints$" [221]":prints$" [221]":next
- 1700 prints$" [221]":print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]":print"";:return
- 1710 pokes+5,30:pokes+6,7:pokes+12,30:pokes+13,7:pokes+24,15:fori=xtoz
- 1720 pokes+1,hf(i):pokes+8,hh(i):pokes,lf(i):pokes+7,ll(i):pokes+4,33
- 1730 pokes+11,33:forp=1todr(i):next:pokes+4,32:pokes+11,32:forp=1to50:next
- 1740 next:return
- 1750 forl=0to24:pokes+l,0:next:pokes+24,15:pokes,151:pokes+1,170:return
- 1760 data33,25,135,30,250,33,25,135,30,63,33,25,135,30,63,33,25,135,30,250
- 1770 data33,25,135,30,63,33,25,135,30,63
- 1775 data44,33,135,195,1150,8,6,97,71,750
- 1777 data8,6,97,71,375,8,6,97,71,190,8,6,97,71,750
- 1780 data9,5,247,152,375,9,5,104,152,190,9,5,104,152,190,8,6,97,71,375
- 1790 data8,5,97,152,375,7,6,233,71,470,8,6,97,71,1500,2,1,4,3,6,,6,,9,1
- 1800 data6,,9,1,10,,31,10,9,1,91,10,9,1,91
- 1805 data10,90,10,901,100,900,100,0
- 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 ifer<>63thenend
- 60020 load"hello connect",8